Apex Launcher and its free extension, Apex Notifier both received updates today, with the latter getting a major update.
Apex Notifier version 2.0 has been released, and introduces support for various apps.
The Notifier now supports the stock Email app on Android KitKat. The developer has removed support for Google Talk, as it has been replaced with the Hangouts App. And unfortunately to use the Hangouts notifier badges, you need a device with Android 4.3 or above. This is because it is based on a newer API.
The unread count badges are now available for popular instant messaging app service, Whatsapp.
More importantly, the Notifier now supports the Google Play Store app, and will display the count for available app updates on the Play Store icon.Even though I have enabled the option, it doesn’t seem to recognize available updates on my device.
Apex Launcher has been updated to add support for the newly released Apex Notifier 2.0. Another noticeable addition to the app, is the ability to sort the apps in the drawer. This is available only in the pro version of the launcher.
The developer has also added icon label shadow for the app drawer.
Download Apex Launcher and Apex Notifier for free from Google Play:
Note: The Apex Notifier is an extension which is only available for the pro version of Apex Launcher.