With just few hours left for Google I/O 2014, here is some interesting piece of news. Google is going to preview the next version of Android i.e Android “L” tomorrow and release it in the Fall just the way Apple does with it’s OS releases. This piece of information comes from an interview by Businessweek with Sundar Pichai, the head of Chrome and Android at Google.
Check out the quote from the said interview below:
This year, Pichai will preview the next release (Lollipop? Lemonhead?) for the first time at I/O rather than waiting until the fall. It’s a significant shift toward greater transparency. “I want the world to understand what we are doing sooner,” he says.
So during tomorrow morning’s Google I/O 2014 opening keynote, Android “L” (lollipop / licorice / lemonhead / lemonade?) will be officially previewed. In terms of the final name of this version of Android, we need to wait even though HTC teased a image using the different probable names for Android “L” in a tweet. But most likely it wont be released till this Fall and you need to wait till Fall to get your hands on it.
Source: XDA , Businessweek