We are just two days away from the launch of the OnePlus 2, but the company has already jumped the gun on its invite system.
You are probably aware of the dreaded system, which allows users with an “invite code”, to buy the companies phones, and that the upcoming “flagship killer” suffers from this disadvantage.
OnePlus announced today, that it is opening up registrations for the OnePlus 2 invites, and that all you have to do to win one, is to visit this page, and submit your email address. If you win an invite, you can claim it for yourself, which will initiate a 24 hour countdown giving you ample time to make your purchase. Users who buy a OnePlus 2 will also get an invite, which they can give it to their friends or family.
OnePlus will also be holding contests, to reward OnePlus 2 invites to its fans. We are not sure if the invites are valid globally, it probably will be. And we also expect the OnePlus 2 to be sold in multiple channels in India, for e.g: its current retail partners Flipkart and Amazon India.
Via: Geekiest.